Yayasan Pawiyatan Kabudayaan
Karaton Surakarta
(information by The Wisma Ulah Budaya Foundation taken from programme notes of a Karaton Surakarta dance performance)
The Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat (Surakarta
Hadiningrat Palace) is a continuation of the Karaton Mataram in Kartasura. It is
built in 1745 by Sri Padukå Susuhunan Paku Buwono II at Solo village,
approximately 10 km to the east of Kartasura. In the transfer the Karaton also
brought several heritages and karaton's culture arts such as 'beksan' (dance),
which is still developed as a cultural asset in the Karaton Surakarta.
dance role in Javanese culture is a basic thing, because dance can be considered
as a heritage, for example the Bedaya Katawang dance at the Karaton Surakarta.
This dance is a sacred dance that is still highly respected until now.
addition a dance has very often also a historical background or expresses
certain moments either in its lyrics or its musical accompaniment.
So dance
is not just an entertainment, it also has its own expressive and historical
characteristics. Dance in Javanese language is also called 'bekså' (hambekin
råså) or a spirit of the characterisation of a feeling, expressed in gestures
and movements.
The existence of the feeling element itself is, in Javanese
culture, very dominant. It is so dominant that it is understandable if Kraton
Surakarta considers dance as a heirloom which is still perpetuated as one of the
noblest national cultural inheritances until today.
The chairman of the Pawiyatan Kabudayaan Karaton Surakarta is Her Highness dra. Gusti Raden Ayu Koes Moertiyah, daughter of the reigning monarch His Royal Highness Sri Padukå Susuhunan Paku Buwånå XII of the Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat.
Kamandungan Karaton Surakarta Solo 57114 (Central
phone and fax: ++ 62 271 41243